Welcome to the Emmanuel Village Community Garden! Our community operates in cooperation with the City of Saskatoon and Chep Good Foods. It includes 80 garden plots, an orchard and on-site composting. Members of this garden share in the responsibilities of maintaining the entire garden and orchard areas.
This Reference Guide provides an outline of our garden operations. As we are a dynamic community with new members every season, our operations change to accommodate new people and new ideas so keep up to date by reading your emails, checking our website, getting involved, and attending our group meetings!
Social and community-building events are organized by a social committee and may include gardener meetings, educational guest speakers, work bees, etc.
Our co-operative system relies on gardener participation, so every gardener is asked to contribute at least two hours of volunteer time to maintain the communal aspects of the garden. This does not include time spent tending personal plots. Any jobs that maintain the common area will count as hours worked. Volunteer opportunities are identified on the annual Registration form and additional opportunities will be made available throughout the season. Volunteer time must be reported to the Records Keeper to qualify for a reduced annual fee the following year.
We decide annually whether compost or manure will be spread on all or part of the garden. You may add any organic soil amendments or mulch to your plot at your own cost.
Garden hoses are provided for each row and the orchard. Tools are available but must be locked up as per city guidelines.
We are an organic garden so use of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizer must be guaranteed organic. If the label of your product does not say organic, then it is not. Miracle Gro is not organic.
We do not pay directly for our water supply; it is provided free so use respectfully. We encourage mulching your plot to conserve water. Start and end dates for having water are controlled by the City and vary year to year. Typical start date is May long weekend and water is shut off around September 15th.
Rototilling/Ploughing The garden is traditionally tilled once a year in Spring. This can spread weed seeds from plot to plot so plots must be weeded in the Fall. Additional rototilling is at your own cost.
Purslane has been a problem and plants must be removed by digging them entirely as any bit of plant material left in place will grow back. Excessive weeds, weeds that have gone to seed, or invasive plants in your plot are reason for non-renewal of your garden plot and this is monitored throughout the season by volunteers.
The orchard includes Saskatoon berries, sour cherries, currants, haskaps, chives, rhubarb and mint. Everyone is responsibility to care for the orchard and everyone is welcome to share the harvest. The orchard is for fresh personal use and we discourage hoarding. Garlic cannot be planted in the private plots in the Fall but we typically have a designated garlic plot shared by multiple gardeners.
Garlic cannot be planted in the private plots in the Fall but we typically have a designated garlic plot shared by multiple gardeners.
Potato bugs must be dealt with immediately, either handpicked or destroyed organically. If you are unavailable, whoever is tending your garden must do this. Some years we prohibit the planting of potatoes to try to reduce their presence at the site. Rabbits and mice have also been menaces in the past and we deal with them as the situations arise.
All plants, weeds, and non-plant material must be removed from plots before the designated garden clean-up day so the area is clear for spreading of compost or manure.
The annual cost of your plot varies based on budgeting and whether you completed volunteer hours. Financial/budget information is provided prior to the Fall meeting. If your garden fee is not received by January 15th, your plot will be considered relinquished.
All gardeners must sign the Gardener’s Agreement when their fees are paid. This agreement will be updated annually. Failure to comply with garden rules and conditions will result in non-renewal of garden membership.
If you are no longer able to maintain your plot, contact emmanuelvillageCG@gmail.com so the plot can be reassigned. If your plot appears abandoned without notification, you will relinquish the right to the produce from the plot and you will not be permitted a plot in the future. If you will be absent from the garden for a pre-determined time, please ensure weeds are controlled and pests are dealt with in a timely manner while you are away.
The paved parking lot is the property of the Revera Bentley condominiums, and its use is restricted to their residents. Gardeners are to access the garden using the gravel entrance and park only on the gravel lot. The City requests our vehicles stay off the grass area.
Information will be communicated via email from emmanuelvillagecg@gmail.com. Please reply directly to that address to reach the Executive Committee; do not “reply all” or everyone receives the email. For more information, please visit our website www.evcg.ca
The well-being of this garden is the shared responsibility of all members. Adherence to the Gardener’s Agreement and volunteering two hours’ time is crucial to our success. Most of us love talking about gardening and helping our fellow gardener so please introduce yourself to your neighbors. Your involvement with others in the community will add to your enjoyment of gardening with us! Welcome and Happy Gardening!